Pam & Mary’s Big Bus Adventure – Day 3

Hendersonville to Charleston, SC

Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act.

Proverbs 3:27

First thing this morning we started the pork chops in the roaster and cheesy potatoes in the crock pot. We also decided to go ahead and cook our pecan pie in the skillet because we weren’t sure how long it would take to cook. We figured we would just take it off when it was done and serve it at room temp this afternoon. We forgot to take in to account that you can only have 2 things plugged in at a time without blowing the fuse. This meant that when we were trying to “cook the broccoli really quick” in the microwave, we had to unplug the crock pot and the skillet. The broccoli seemed to take forever to get hot. I guess because it was such massive quantity. We rolled in to Charleston around 12:15. Mary and I served our pork chops, broccoli, cheesy potatoes & rolls for lunch.

Crock pot cheesy potatoes – pretty yummy!

After lunch, we all immediately got off to board the ferry over to Fort Sumter. The appliances can’t be left on when the bus is off or it will drain the battery. So we either had to turn them off or Saul, our bus driver, would have to stay on the bus and turn it on every half hour. That would stink. Plus he has never driven on this trip before so we wanted him to be able to go too. So we turned off the skillet. Since we had turned the skillet off and on so many times, we weren’t sure if it was done, even though it had been on since about 9:00. The crust didn’t look like it was browned & felt soft along the edges.

When we got back from Ft Sumter we drove over to the Battery and looked around a bit. Some passengers were asking about this big stone monument. Mary explained that it was “an erection” honoring the men who died in a tragic ship collision. Although that truly is very sad, we all got stuck on the erection part and cracked up. Middle school humor anyone? As we looked at all the names, we noticed that there was one sailor from Rolla.

Mary explaining about the erection
29 year old sailor from Rolla
We saw our first palm trees today. But it wasn’t these.

We all went to dinner at a place called Swig and Swine. Apparently we seem to have a pig theme going. I ordered Whole Hog Plate which was supposed to taste like pulled pork but was really just code for We-are-serving-this-with-all-the-fat-still-included. Not so yummy. The people sitting across from me ordered brisket and ribs and boy did I have other-order-envy! Theirs smelled fantastic!

I kept cooking the pecan pie until we got to the hotel and had everyone come down for an evening snack. I told them it might possibly be pecan pudding or pecan ice cream topping. I was able to cut it. And it tasted good. On the top half. The bottom part was as dark as chocolate. Several people asked if it had a chocolate crust – um, nope just burned. But surprisingly it still tasted good. Kinda like toffee. Just watch out for your fillings or any loose teeth.

Why did I think poring a whole bottle of Karo syrup into this small bowl on a moving bus was a good idea?
Much better!

Ready to pop into the skillet for a few hours. Or all day. Whichever.
Doesn’t look too bad. I wish I had gotten a picture of the toffee bottom. It was so hard I literally had to pick up some of the pieces and break/pull them apart because I couldn’t cut it with the knife.

The sweet girl at the front desk offered to make us some fresh decaf even though she was the only one working tonight. Unfortunately when she was rolling it out to us on a cart, she hit something and the whole thermos/dispenser fell to the floor and began gushing coffee. Poor thing! We tried to help her because 4 more people had come to the front desk and were now waiting for service. What a mess. She had the best attitude about it all though.

Welcome to the Hampton