day 1: Ft Clinch, Florida to Fargo, GA

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Chinese Proverb

82.77 miles – 528 ft climb

Here’s where it all begins.

Back wheel in the Atlantic Ocean and ready to go. Well almost ready to go. Still needs to change shoes, put on his helmet etc.

We decided to explore Ft Clinch on the cycle for a little bit this morning before we left since we got in after dark last night. It’s really pretty. I’m trying to figure out how to post a video. Stay tuned!

I would love to come back here when we have more time. It was really pretty.
Beautiful morning ride on the cycle. I wish I had taken more pics.
Seeing the ocean of course made Bruce feel the need to go swimming in it …before he began his ride across the country today. Thankfully swimming is not allowed here so I didn’t have to tackle him on his way to the water.
We have already met so many interesting people and it’s only the first day! This is Amy who gathers debris washed in from the ocean and educates people on the negative effects of releasing balloons into the sky, plastic bottle trash, and plastic bags. She has found over 600 pairs of sunglasses, some go-pros and lots of other things. She’s the Beach Junki.
And it’s starting! Bruce took his bike down to the ocean to dip the back tire.
Ready to roll!

Bruce took his bike down to the ocean and dipped his back tire in the Atlantic. I envisioned him riding out of the water and off to the west, but since it’s all sand, that isn’t really the way it works. Anyway, we drove to the front of Fort Clinch and Bruce left from there around 10:30 instead of going over to Fernandino Beach like we had planned.

I can’t believe it’s really, truly about to start! I’m so excited!

The guy working the security building was really nice. He came over and insisted on taking a picture of both of us because he said it’s my trip too. We talked for a bit after Bruce rode off and then he let me stay parked on the side of the road for a while so I could let Bruce get a good head start.

Day 1 – starting his journey!

I dumped the tanks all by myself for the first time and then I left around noon. I had a guy run up to me as I was leaving who wanted to give me $5 for Parkinson’s because his mom had it. Choked me up. (Yeah, I know it doesn’t take much for that!) But that is what it’s all about. Raising money and awareness for Parkinson’s and MS.

first road sighting of the trip!
Doing a little Financial Advising on his lunch pitstop.

We had a pleasant (for me at least) drive on back state highways through rural Georgia and Florida. I got to Fargo an hour or so before Bruce, so I went to get a case of water at this little convenience store. I didn’t end up buying the water there because the girl at the counter told me it’s a lot cheaper at Dollar General. We visited for awhile and I told them what we were doing. They were pretty excited about it. I got a fountain drink and then went back to Harvey to hang out in the parking lot and use their wi-fi for a while, waiting for Bruce to arrive. We are spending the night at Griffis Fish Camp in Fargo, GA. Bruce should be arriving in about 20 minutes! We are meeting at a church close to the highway and then driving to the fish camp because it’s 18 miles from our route.

Cruising Florida! Or possibly Georgia. We went back and forth between the two a couple times on the highway. Which was funny because since it was a state highway, the number changed depending on which state we were in.

Bruce actually beat me to the meeting place, while I was getting water at Dollar General. With the help of some easterly tail winds, he averaged 20 mph today! When I drove up, he was doing push-ups! Macho, macho man!!
Note to self: When you stay at some place called Griffis Fish Camp, you should not expect it to have wifi … or phone service

We did however have an interesting conversation with Mr Griffis, who showed us his little museum of old pictures, antiques and stuffed animals. I mean stuffed as in taxidermy. He told us that the fish camp had been in his family for about 100 years. He had so many interesting stories. I wish I had taken notes. Or had my phone with me. Mr Griffis stopped by the RV to collect the $20 rent right as I was finishing preparing dinner. We stepped outside to talk to him and ended up walking over to his little museum. We didn’t get back until over an hour later. Luckily we are ok with cold food.

Still good cold