comments? yes, please!

We would love to hear from you! I set up a comment & blessing page, but that only goes directly to our email. I’m still working on setting up a page just for comments but for now you can comment on this home page. If you are viewing on your cell phone, the “leave a comment” option should be in very small letters at the end of each post. If you are viewing on a computer, it should be in colored letters but very small print on the left side of the screen. If someone has already left a comment, it will say “2 comments” or whatever. You just click on that and it should open a place for you to leave a comment. I’m sorry it’s so hard to find. This is a pre-made layout and I don’t have much ability to change the setup.

5 thoughts on “comments? yes, please!”

  1. I am happy to leave a comment. Have enjoyed following your posts so far. Sounds like a lot happens everyday!! What an adventure. No more snakes would be okay though.

  2. Hello Friends! It has been fun following you so far. I enjoy YOUR new adventures everyday. This is not for the faint of heart because it sounds like their is no coasting….you must be on your toes….watching for snakes and tornadoes and lying gas gauges. We keep praying for your safe travels. Sending our love.

  3. Hello ! So much fun following this journey. Glad you are enjoying it and being resilient and going with the flow. Really just a blast to feel like we have a window into your world.

  4. Thanks for sharing your travels. I am enjoying keeping up with your adventures. Stay safe and thank you both for your cause.

  5. Are y’all OK? We’re watching hurricane news coverage and really worried about y’all, and praying for your safety. Where are you now, still at the place with snake-in-the-box?

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